Ağustos 2, 2024
Olimpiyat mı ayin mi?
Paris Olimpiyatları’nın açılış seremonisindeki mesajlar tüm dünyada tartışmalara yol açtı. Eşcinseller, kesilen kafalar, ölüm ve masonlar. Peki bütün…
Temmuz 15, 2024
Batı neden Türkleri İslamiyet’ten koparmak istedi?
Bin yıl boyunca batıda Türk demek Müslüman demekti, bunu biliyor muydunuz? Muhtemelen birçoğunuz bilmiyordu, çünkü düşmanlarımız bunların bize…
Temmuz 1, 2024
CHP’nin LGBT desteği nereden geliyor?
CHP Genel Başkanı Özgür Özel ve CHP üyelerinin LGBT'yi destekleyen açıklamalarında ortak nokta nedir? Bu Özgür Özel döneminde dair bir söylem mi? Bu…
Longform articles & thoughts on political and social affairs.
Mayıs 3, 2021
The Symbiotic Relationship Between American Oil and Banking Oligopolies (Master Thesis)
In the post-war period, there is a symbiotic relationship between American oil and banking oligopolies. Because of this symbiotic relationship, the interests of these two oligopolies and the policies they pursued were…
Ocak 13, 2020
Why Do Western Media Overemphasise to China’s Crackdown on Muslim Uyghurs?
For ones who follows Western media regularly, it would not be surprise to see ove- remphasising of China’s crackdown and repression on Uyghurs by Western media. As known, Uyghurs, are a minority who are both Muslim and…
Ocak 4, 2020
Why Did AKP’s Kurdish Opening Fail? A Regional and Global Analysis of Failure of Kurdish Opening
When AKP formed the government, not only depleted people or decomposed parts of society, also western states had great hopes from them. AKP government has given the clearly message to west that it gets along with them.…
Mayıs 30, 2019
China’s Ambiguity in Embracement of Minorities and Pretended Peaceful Rise
People’s Republic of China(PRC) is multi-ethnic uniter state with its’ huge 1,5 billions population. It is the country which has largest minority population and hosts 55 ethnic minorities which compose the % 8 of the…